Myofascial Energetic Release I
Back, Neck, Pelvis and Breath (Self-empowerment)
Experience and master the 8 point teaching to facilitate deep touch.
- Learn how fascial contraction is responsible for 95% of chronic pain.
- Understand the importance of breath and how to regulate the releasing and balancing of the breathing of your clients.
- Understand that the pelvis is the center of balance and trust.
- Empower and educate clients through teaching Myofascial Unwinding as a deep, intrinsic movement that activates trauma release.
- Evaluate clients using Body-Reading, self-reporting, palpation techniques, resonance and intuition.
- Refine your ability to touch deeply and work with your own body mechanics.
- Develop a “Listening Touch”.
- Open the energy system through the body by releasing energy blocks and regulating energy flow.
- Focus on the neck, shoulder, back, breath and pelvis
- Experience and learn the 8 point teaching for deep touch.
In this training you will learn a unique and valuable method of deep tissue bodywork to help people with back, neck and pelvis pain. Through a series of structured, hands-on sessions, you will learn how to systematically release and integrate the spine. You will learn the art and science of seeing holding patterns in the body and their relationship to the client’s emotional holding patterns. You will use this information to develop treatment programs to affect a myofascial integration and energy balancing.
Through a combination of daily meditations, theory, demonstrations and bodywork exchanges with consistent support from the staff, you will learn a holistic approach of myofascial release. This module introduces you to the major hinges of the spine: Lumbar/ Sacral, Diaphragm, Heart, Thoracic Inlet, Atlas/ Occiput and Pelvic release to restore balance. You will learn the art and science of working on the back, neck and pelvis with deep bodywork, assisted stretches, and joint mobilization.
You will learn the structural and functional anatomy of the back, neck and pelvis, and in turn develop the intuition and skills necessary to work with the underlying causes of pain in these areas – especially as they relate to a client’s ability to physically and figuratively “Stand Up” for themselves. You will learn four effective breath release techniques that will assist in this process.
Eight points of sensitive and effective deep bodywork, designed by Satyarthi Peloquin, will be given to you to cultivate skill, clarity and intuition to the touch. Satyarthi will also teach you the musculature, psychology, and “Myofascial Unwinding” methods of psycho-physical release.
By the end of this module you will have learned a comprehensive series of strokes to help people who experience neck, back, shoulder and pelvis pain. Upon completion of MER 1 you will be able to give a full back, neck, shoulder, breath and pelvic MER session.
Myofascial Energetic Release II
Feet, Legs and Hips (Grounding)
- Release pain and restore natural movement to the feet, legs and hips.
- Assess and treat foot, knee and hip complaints, including Body- Reading, palpation skills and movement assessments.
- Learn diverse tools to effectively work with the plantar fascia.
- Joint mobilization for the foot, ankle, knee, and hip.
- Learn assisted stretches for the feet, legs and hips.
- Learn how to move deeply into the body with sensitive hands that “Hear” the energy.
- Learn how to structurally balance the legs and feet.
- Understand the psychology of pain in the knees, hips and feet and how to work with a powerful method of somatic dialoguing.
- Learn Myofascial Unwinding of the legs and hips.
- Learn myofascial anatomy and physiology of the lower body.
Module II teaches techniques to treat the lower body through a process of deep bodywork, joint mobilization, assisted stretches and Myofascial using the posterior line of the leg as our starting point, we expand to focus on the hips, knees, feet, and legs at an advanced level.
Although one out of every ten people will suffer from plantar fasciitis at some point in their lives, the effects of competent footwork and deep massage that continues up the back line of the leg into the hips can be remarkable in providing long lasting pain relief.
Module II is comprised of daily meditations, theoretical instruction, demonstrations and active partner exchange. The feet, legs and hips module is a guided learning experience covering body mechanics and correct methods of working with the fascia and joints. You also learn client Body- Reading techniques, including “Tracking,” a self-correcting method to align the feet and legs.
An important focus in Module II is learning how to free the Gluteus Medius and Minimus, Tensor Fascia Latae, and the deep rotators of the hip. You will discover the importance of the Tibialis Anterior and its role in flexing the foot at the ankle. Satyarthi will train you to work on all of the compartments of the upper leg through work on the hamstrings, adductors, abductors and quadriceps.
MER II also includes debunking of the myth of the arthritic knee and hip as well as detailed work on the knee and hip joints.
Upon successful completion of MODULE II you will have an enhanced skill level and sensitivity when engaging with persistent pain and structural dysfunction in the feet, knees and hips.
Module II will provide you with skills to interpret structural imbalances and use a range of techniques to create sessions integrating the lower body with the pelvis and spine by learning the technique of Body-Reading. Body-Reading gives you the ability to support a client’s felt- sense of grounding and energetic contact through the feet and legs.
Time and space is given for questions, and discussion of actual cases participants may have encountered in their practice.
Myofascial Energetic Release III
Release and Balance the Pelvis, Core Integration (Centering)
- Learn to evaluate and diagnose pelvic imbalances, and achieve tissue release and pelvic alignment.
- Learn advanced movement and treatment techniques for core integration.
- Learn to find, palpate and treat the relevant core myofascial and skeletal anatomy including: The Gluteus Maximus, Medius and Minimus and the 6 deep lateral rotators, the abductor and adductor groups and the Iliopsoas.
- Understand how unresolved emotional issues and mental concepts create holding patterns disturbing the balance of the pelvis and heart. Learn to design a comprehensive treatment plan to release these somatic-emotional blocks to rebalance the pelvis-heart connection.
- Pelvic Floor release and integration: Assessing and treating sacral, pelvic and lower back pain. Understanding the balance between the pelvis, legs and spine.
The pelvis joins the legs to the spine and is the “Keystone” of human architecture and structural balance. The pelvis is the leveler and equilibrium point for the entire body. The twenty or so deep, intrinsic muscles surrounding the pelvis are arranged in fans that hold these postures as well as unfelt feelings of trauma stored for both men and women. Myofascial Dialoguing will help to connect and release unconscious mental restrictions and blockages. Module III explores this “Touchy” area with specificity and sensitivity by offering advanced treatment and movement techniques.
Module III also includes:
- The “Neutral” pelvis and pelvic support.
- Pelvic joints and their response in posture, breathing and birthing.
- The role of the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles in the breath.
- Pressure systems and pelvic adhesions in the viscera.
- The role of the “Psoas Muscle Complex” in setting the stage to breathe a whole-body breath.
Breathing is a whole-body movement that can integrate structural and physiological responses throughout our entire body. Module III supports you in exploring the breath response in your pelvis, expanding both your own felt -sense of whole body breathing as well as your ability to see and work with others in whole body breathing.
Myofascial Energetic Release IV
Releasing and Balancing the Face, Cranium, Neck, Breath and Arms (Original Face)
- Learn about spatial relationships of the segments of the torso (spatial medicine).
- Treatment of the fascial network of the breathing structures.
- Learn four soft listening techniques for breath release.
- Learn how to treat shock and trauma of the breathing structures.
- Learn a comprehensive treatment plan for neck, elbow, shoulder, wrist and hand pain.
- Learn to work with the face and head. Incorporating a treatment plan for headaches and jaw pain.
- Learn the functional anatomy of the myofascial system of the breath , arms, face and cranium.
- Learn to treat the liver, lungs and stomach. Learn about the motility and mobility of the viscera.
- Learn to work effectively with Frozen Shoulder, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, TMJ (jaw pain) and headaches.
Many upper body conditions stubbornly persist despite conventional bodywork techniques. In Module IV you will learn a comprehensive methodology to work with the neck, breath, arms and face. You will be introduced to the psychology of these areas and how to work with and catalyse the body’s natural trauma releasing abilities using breath-work. A 5 point understanding of working with the autonomic nervous system and emotional release will also be taught.
You will skillfully master how to educate clients about the psychosomatic sources of pain and how to work with the most common pain syndromes of the upper body.
Module IV will include a review of rotator cuff anatomy, palpation of the rotator cuff muscles and related structures.
The chest and diaphragm are often overlooked as primary contributors to back and shoulder issues. As the source of our breath and our taking in of life, these core muscles are often tight, constricting breathing, energy flow, and movement.
We learn and review simple but powerful methods to release the diaphragm, sternum, and ribcage, creating a noticeable opening right away, and helping clients to breathe twice as deeply with half the effort.
You will receive techniques to release the muscles and fascia of the hands, thumbs and forearms to increase mobility in the corresponding joints and releasing the forearm muscles to effectively liberate the shoulder.
Myofascial Energetic Release V
Opening to Breath (Inspiration)
Opening to Breath takes the student through the essential motions of breath in the rib cage, spine, shoulder, and neck. Module V teaches how to enhance the motions for maximum inhaling and exhaling to achieve an easy, full breath. This expanded breathing will accelerate the overall benefits of a MER session. Module V concentrates on manual therapy, including how to regulate energy, breathing and movement with breath.
Each technique is clearly explained and demonstrated, with variations included to ensure easy application. These techniques are also put together into a model session for clear application ensuring maximum results.
- Learning an in-depth evaluation of the breath, through Body-Reading of the head and neck, ribcage, shoulders, spine and
- Deep bodywork and breath, working the muscles of breath as the client breaths deeply and consistently. This unique approach of MER combines deep and soft bodywork with breath therapy.
- Learn to work with the client’s individual breath pattern to structure a session to meet the client’s needs.
- By learning how to breathe in an open, relaxed way, the body begins to create an increased state of energy called “Activation” that helps to uncover, release and integrate physical, emotional and mental patterns in you and your client.
- Module V connects Myofascial Unwinding together with breath therapy- A powerful combination supported by deep and sensitive touch.
- Learn the importance of emotional anatomy and emotional development.
- The “Trauma vs. Shock” model for healing the pattern of dissociation.
Myofascial Energetic Release VI
Fluid Body, Joint Release and Joint Mobilization
- A systematic approach to mobilizing all the major joints of the body.
- Learn the integrative wave, a fluid passive movement of the whole body called “Joint Release.”
- Body-mind integration through movement.
- Learning to work with Myofascial Unwinding as Somatic Emotional Release.
- Combining the Myofascial Unwinding with breath-work, emotional awareness and release.
- Movement anatomy.
- Verbal cues to guide the client in support of release and integration.
- Discover the body’s unique rhythm.
- Meditation through Touch: Stepping out of the way to allow touch to arise directly from Universal Source Energy.
- The body is a fluid medium: Learn how to enhance the body’s natural method of fluid communication.
The Joint Release Advanced Training integrates beautifully with the deep work of the basic training. Through rocking, elongating and softly coaxing movement in every joint, feelings of playfulness and freedom are recalled and felt, perhaps not since childhood. Experiencing these feelings at a tissue level is powerful and transformational.
From this deeply relaxed place, structural alignment occurs, the body works in holistic harmony releasing long held compensation patterns, and realizes its full potential once again. This work often leads to an experience of ecstatic pleasure, bringing into the client a felt-sense memory of the feeling of floating in the amniotic fluid of the womb.
To freely flow energy in the body it is necessary that locked energy in the joints is guided to dissolve, relax and freely flow. Joint Release means “To loosen joints”. Joints are like bridges connecting two parts of the body designed to allow the flow of movement.
Myofascial Energetic Release VII (specialisation)
Healing Trauma: How to charge energy and regulate discharge of energy
The new integrative approach in working with breath, movement and touch in Myofascial Energetic Release.
- How to charge energy and regulate discharge of energy.
- Learn the fundamentals of working with underlying trauma in the body.
- The 27 zones of fear in the body.
- How to align in harmonic resonance with your client as a “Pro-Active Practitioner”.
- 5 definitive steps to successfully engage emotions.
- How to effectively support your client in healing trauma through Myofascial Energetic Release.
- The theory and practise of Myofascial Unwinding (Somatic Emotional Release).
- You will be supervised in 10 practise sessions to deepen understanding and master skills upon completion of the training.
Physical tension, spasms and weakness in the body can be a result of how we move through our life. A person may be moving too little or doing daily repetitive work causing the fascia to harden. The fascia may start to stick to the surrounding physical structures, causing feelings of pain and stiffness. However, as bodyworkers each of us have become aware of physical tension arising as a result of repressed feelings and memories.
An emotion is “Energy-In-Motion”. If this energy is disrupted in taking it’s natural course the emotion becomes stuck as myofascial hyper- or hypo tension in the body. The breathing becomes shallow, resulting in less oxygen nourishing the cells. Our tissues constrict in protection or we may become overwhelmed with the stress and collapse. If we remain in a cyclic pattern of resisting and pushing back a feeling or memory, we unconsciously create a holding pattern that freezes the energy inside of our tissues. This frozen energy eventually evolves into a personality character type. Psychologist Wilhelm Reich named these character structures “Frozen History”’.
No one escapes the forming of a character structure, as we develop them in early childhood. We eventually begin to identify with a character structure and it becomes our default mechanism in how we relate to ourself and how we interact with others and the world. Our body-heart-and mind become ‘Armoured’. This armour is designed to protect us from the harshness of the world. However, this energetic buffer blocks us from authentically connecting from the truth of our hearts.
- How to un-mantle the amour.
- How to skillfully assist the client to feel the stored feelings in safety, trust and transformation.
- Learn to identify the physical and emotional aspects of the 5 different Reichian character structures.
- Understand how a human being adopts these different character structures as defense mechanisms early in life. In this understanding, you are empowered to specifically tailor your client’s treatment towards freedom from pain.
- The importance of the Vagus Nerve, the longest nerve within the autonomic nervous system and how to restore the frozen flow of a disrupted traumatic ‘Fight/Flight/Freeze reaction within the autonomic nervous system.
- In skillfully empowering your client to regulate the “Fight/Flight/Freeze” autonomic response you restore a deep felt-sense of safety, trust and sovereignty.
- How to use trauma release techniques and movement meditations to empower your client towards more embodied emotional awareness.
- A foundational building block for Module VII is to learn the psychological functions of the muscular system. There are 27 fear centres within the human body. The student will learn how to firmly, yet gently work through the different defensive layers, eventually arriving at the core of Love.