Fascia and nutrition
When it comes to healthy fascia there are some different aspects to consider. Of course it’s about movement, removing toxic load and releasing holding patterns. But what else can we do to support our fascia and keep it in optimal form?
The fascia is mostly made of collagen, elastine and ground substance (water). It is important to get in enough of these building blocks through the food that we eat, the water that we drink or to provide the body with the right ingredients to be able to create these.
Collagen is found in the connective tissues of animals, the bones, bone marrow, tendons, skin etc. Most people nowadays only eat clean meat and filet without fatty edges, skin and other scary parts. That’s a shame because these, in combination with organ meats, are the most nutritious parts. It contains almost all vitamins, minerals, collagen and good fats you need in the most bioavailable form.
It’s hard to get in Elastine through food but our body is able to synthesize it if we get in enough vitamin C, copper, amino acids and essential fatty acids.
Ground Substance
Liquid/water. The most important thing about this is the quality and the ability of our body to hold on to the water in a good way. The quality of our tap water is getting worse and worse, there’s a lot of stuff in there we don’t want in our body, for example: viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, fluoride, medicine residue and contraceptive hormones. The best way to evade these is to filter your water. For our body to be able to hold on to the water and use it in a proper way we also need salt and glucose. The glucose is not a problem because we can synthesize that from protein if we don’t get any from our diet. But salt is crucial to get in and very important also. There’s a lot of controversy around salt, in short you have two types of salt: natural salts and fabricated salt. Fabricated salt is just two minerals, natrium and chloride, just the salt taste. It makes your blood pressure rise and makes your body hold too much water so you’ll get bloated. Natural salt contains 60+ minerals, because of this it makes your body able to hydrate properly and hold on to its water in a good way, without blood pressure elevation.
I prefer the consumption of animal foods over vegetables and grains because it is a lot more nutrient dense, it has a complete amino acid profile, it contains all the vitamins and minerals you need in the most bioavailable form and it lacks all the anti nutrients and defense chemicals that plant food has.
Of course the quality is also really important, so try to eat as clean and fresh as possible, preferably organic and not genetically modified. This is to prevent unnecessary toxic load on the body and it’s detox pathways. There’s a lot to be said about this subject also, think about the air you breathe, n,n-EMFs (wifi, 5g etc), everything you put in your body (deodorant, sunscreen, bodylotion etc) and as mentioned before the water that you drink. Nowadays a man gets approximately 80 chemicals a day in his system, for women it’s approximately 120 chemicals. Our body is an amazing machine that can handle a lot but to keep it functioning optimally it’s advised to try to avoid as much chemicals aa you can.
If you want a consultation with Koen click here to send him an email: koenwindhorst.nl