Ketu Bo

Ketu Bø

Ketu grew up in Norway with a lot of sports and outdoor activities. Initially going to Holland to study photography, he became interested in personal growth and meditation and started to train as a therapist under the mentorship of Veeresh Yuson, the founder of the Osho Humaniversity in the Netherlands. 

Living and working in the Humaniversity for a number of years, he was running workshops in the areas of emotional awareness, bodywork, dance and movement both internationally and at home. In 2014 decided to start his own body-oriented therapy practice and was also regularly going to China to facilitate personal growth groups there. 

He now lives with his wife and son (8) in Bergen (NL), close to a nature reserve where he loves to go running and trail biking.

Ketu is passionate about his work and has a profound interest in the connection between mind, body and soul. He is a Postural Integration practitioner, Osho Rebalancer, a MER (Myofascial Energetic Release) practitioner and Postural Alignment Specialist (Egoscue postural therapy). Recently he completed his training as a NARM (Neuro Affective Relational Model) practitioner. Next to having his own therapy practice he assists the MER trainings in Holland and teaches at Bodymind Opleidingen, a body-oriented school for therapists. 

Trainer of MER in Scandinavia:

Drawing from 30 years of working in the human potential movement as a group leader, educator, meditator, bodyworker and therapist, Ketu has the experience, knowledge and skill needed to help newcomers get started with bodywork, as well as teaching practicing therapists how they can improve their game. 

“Ketu is a great body therapist. Your posture tells you a lot. Ketu will look at your body and tell you what he sees. According to Wilhelm Reich you need to get your body in a natural flow and enjoy it. Ketu will show you how to get there.”.

Veeresh Yuson

Founder and President Osho Humaniversity