Myofascial Energetic Release
Feet, Legs and Hips (Grounding)
- Release pain and restore natural movement to the feet, legs and hips.
- Assess and treat foot, knee and hip complaints, including Body- Reading, palpation skills and movement assessments.
- Learn diverse tools to effectively work with the plantar fascia.
- Joint mobilization for the foot, ankle, knee, and hip.
- Learn assisted stretches for the feet, legs and hips.
- Learn how to move deeply into the body with sensitive hands that “Hear” the energy.
- Learn how to structurally balance the legs and feet.
- Understand the psychology of pain in the knees, hips and feet and how to work with a powerful method of somatic dialoguing.
- Learn Myofascial Unwinding of the legs and hips.
- Learn myofascial anatomy and physiology of the lower body.
Module II teaches techniques to treat the lower body through a process of deep bodywork, joint mobilization, assisted stretches and Myofascial using the posterior line of the leg as our starting point, we expand to focus on the hips, knees, feet, and legs at an advanced level.
Although one out of every ten people will suffer from plantar fasciitis at some point in their lives, the effects of competent footwork and deep massage that continues up the back line of the leg into the hips can be remarkable in providing long lasting pain relief.
Module II is comprised of daily meditations, theoretical instruction, demonstrations and active partner exchange. The feet, legs and hips module is a guided learning experience covering body mechanics and correct methods of working with the fascia and joints. You also learn client Body- Reading techniques, including “Tracking,” a self-correcting method to align the feet and legs.
An important focus in Module II is learning how to free the Gluteus Medius and Minimus, Tensor Fascia Latae, and the deep rotators of the hip. You will discover the importance of the Tibialis Anterior and its role in flexing the foot at the ankle. Roland will train you to work on all of the compartments of the upper leg through work on the hamstrings, adductors, abductors and quadriceps.
MER II also includes debunking of the myth of the arthritic knee and hip as well as detailed work on the knee and hip joints.
Upon successful completion of MODULE II you will have an enhanced skill level and sensitivity when engaging with persistent pain and structural dysfunction in the feet, knees and hips.
Module II will provide you with skills to interpret structural imbalances and use a range of techniques to create sessions integrating the lower body with the pelvis and spine by learning the technique of Body-Reading. Body-Reading gives you the ability to support a client’s felt- sense of grounding and energetic contact through the feet and legs.
Time and space is given for questions, and discussion of actual cases participants may have encountered in their practice.
Location: Amsterdam/Alkmaar
Date: 7-12 July 2025 Amsterdam
Teacher: Roland Engelbracht
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