‘Al bijna een jaar had ik lage rugpijn. Fysiotherapie, manuele therapie, dry needling etc gaven soms even verlichting, maar niet permanent. Betreffende behandelaars wisten het eigenlijk niet meer en begonnen over een operatie… Echter na een paar MER sessies kon ik alles weer doen zonder pijn!| Dank Roland

The sessions help me integrate everything that is happening in my body. They help me to experience and let go of emotions, in a way that new insights and trauma release happens

Roland Engelbracht has spent years learning Osho Rebalancing from one of the originators of this method, Satyarthi Peloquin.
Based on their extensive experience in working with people and knowledge of Rebalancing, Postural Integration and various other bodywork modalities, together they created Myofascial Energetic Release (MER).
Roland is now fully booked giving sessions and workshops in the Netherlands and Greece.